Sunday 13 January 2019

What do you know about our Nation’s flag?

The Pledge of Allegiance was officially recognized by Congress on December 28, 1945. What do you know about this salute to our nation’s flag?Who Wrote the Pledge of Allegiance?In 1892, as part of a na_ Janel:This year though (junior) we have a class together and pretty quickly into the year, he had asked me over snapchat [...]

Sometimes he's the most helpful, kind and sweet guy in the world, but the next day he turns grumpy, sarcastic and asocial and complains all the time.
(7 January 2019)

I've been with my boyfriend for a really short time (4 months) so I know that it's not that much but I do love him like crazy.
(7 January 2019)

Hi, I'm 23 and at my first relationship and I need advice.
(7 January 2019)

My crush invited me to a movie?
(7 January 2019)

But I don't think you would message someone that you knew was interested in you unless you liked them back?
(7 January 2019)

There's reason for me to believe he likes me, and there's reason for me to believe he doesn't as well.
(7 January 2019)

When I first told him, he seemed completely rubbed the wrong way, but he started messaging me a few months later and we've been talking quite a bit.
(7 January 2019)

My crush KNOWS I like him due to me being straight forward with it.
(7 January 2019)

I know I shouldn't think it's a date obviously, but would I be wrong to assume it's a way to get to know me better?
(7 January 2019)

Well this guy I have a crush on invited me to a movie, but he invited his other guy friend as well.
(7 January 2019)

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