Sunday 13 January 2019

What do you know about our Nation’s flag?

The Pledge of Allegiance was officially recognized by Congress on December 28, 1945. What do you know about this salute to our nation’s flag?Who Wrote the Pledge of Allegiance?In 1892, as part of a na_ Janel:This year though (junior) we have a class together and pretty quickly into the year, he had asked me over snapchat [...]

I'm looking for a boys name that will go well with the family last name and unsure how it'll sound together.
(7 January 2019)

Should I even bother talking to the guy I dated that played me?
(7 January 2019)

I m almost certain that i should end this so should I even bother talking to him about it?
(7 January 2019)

We dated for four months and things felt like they were getting more serious (We made it exclusive and talked everyday). He went on vacation for two weeks and i noticed he changed his tinder bio (even added dates to each city) and called him out on it.
(7 January 2019)

Is she really jealous of me possibly being with other girls?
(7 January 2019)

Do you think she's jealous of me and other girls or was she just asking this to get a reaction out of me?
(7 January 2019)

Anyways today I sent her a flirty message and she asked me how many other girls I sent the same message to?
(7 January 2019)

We live far away from each other so we have yet to meet.
(7 January 2019)

So I've been talking to a girl online and on the phone for about a year now.
(7 January 2019)

Weird to be naked in front of a male friend?
(7 January 2019)

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