Saturday 26 January 2019

Why Toilet is a twatwaffler.

Not sure why this dude, who claims he is a chick who loves to get crapped on is trolling me. Clearly, the fact he wants to be pooped in indicates some clear mental disorder. Does it rattle me he tal_ Tonja:He wanted to become a doctor,then 911 came and he enlisted in the Marines instead.(24 January [...]

His son told me his dad said we are just friends and i'm too young for him.
(21 January 2019)

He had been divorced 3x and has a son who is 11 years old.
(21 January 2019)

I'm dating this guy who is 11 years older than me.
(21 January 2019)

My brother was agreeing with my parents that he should be married and he said he will propose soon.
(21 January 2019)

My mom was telling him how he could propose also and where even though my brother wanted to propose in Paris.
(21 January 2019)

My mom said he doesnt have to have a real nice expensive wedding they can get married at the court house.
(21 January 2019)

Literally every single time my brother comes to visit my dad bringsit up now my parents are trying to force him to get married immediately.
(21 January 2019)

Do you think it's wrong that my parents are forcing my brother to get married immediately since they found out he's been shacking up?
(21 January 2019)

He said He has no idea how my brother's girlfriends parents allowed that because there's no way it would ever fly with me.
(21 January 2019)

My dad said he raised my brother better than this.
(21 January 2019)

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