Friday, 15 February 2019

Bell- Lets talk day in canada is today

It is a countrywide fundraising day for mental health. if you text or tweet or watch videos on their facebook page then Bell will give money to their cause.Mental health is a huge issue in the world n_ Krista:How do I gain enough confidence to tell the kids in my class to be quiet without offending [...]

He said it's not an excuse he did the wrong thing.
(8 February 2019)

He was drunk and high and upset and followed up on a random message that he got from this woman and decided to follow up.
(8 February 2019)

Almost a month ago he came home early from a day trip with his buddies in tears telling me he just slept with an older woman that he met before he started dating me.
(8 February 2019)

New school, I'm uncomfortable?
(8 February 2019)

I went in there hopeful and positive, I was even excited, so it isn't like I was looking for the negativity in the situation.
(8 February 2019)

I've been sitting with her at lunch but she honestly gives off such a bad vibe and I don't know what to do.
(8 February 2019)

I met a girl there, she is really my only friend so far, and on the first day she started talking to me about she was abused, suicidal, and got in fights a lot?
(8 February 2019)

It is just this specific place, I've never been there before this so it's not like I have anything negative to attach it to.
(8 February 2019)

I don't know if this makes sense, but whenever I'm there I always feel like I'm in danger?
(8 February 2019)

I started a new school really recently, within the week, and upon entering the building this uncomfortable, dark feeling just washed over me.
(8 February 2019)

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