Saturday 2 February 2019

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I am pretty happy with my boyfriend at the moment and I don't want to hurt this friend by somehow sending wrong signals since I'm not really girly , more tomboyish and friendly.
(27 January 2019)

I'm not quite sure if he is falling for me or is just lonely and likes our company.
(27 January 2019)

He looks sad when I am with my boyfriend and always makes sure I'm comfortable when I'm over.
(27 January 2019)

He stares at me sometimes and when I talk he immediately looks and listens even when I'm talking to my boyfriend.
(27 January 2019)

I noticed he is acting a bit different each time we are together.
(27 January 2019)

I recently went to my boyfriend's friend's house, since he is our friend.
(27 January 2019)

This is hella importannttt, am i pregnant?
(27 January 2019)

I have a 2nd cousin named Michael I have never met. Does this mean he is not family even though he is related?
(27 January 2019)

If he is family then our my 25th cousins family when obviously I don't know any of them or if I do I don't know their related?
(27 January 2019)

How is he family when he is a total stranger?
(27 January 2019)

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