Monday 18 February 2019

Outhouse Confession……….

Once there was a little boy who lived in the country. For facilities, they had to use an outhouse. The little boy hated it because it was hot in the summer, cold in the winter and smelled all the time_ Laila:I was a baby when my grandfather died and my Dad’s family was much calmer and [...]

Single girls, are you going to be upset when you see your coworkers getting flowers from their boyfriends on Thursday?
(11 February 2019)

Are you going to send yourself flowers and pretend you have a boyfriend, so you don't look like a loser?
(11 February 2019)

How to handle nosey neighbours?
(11 February 2019)

How would you handle a nosey neighbour who gossips about you?
(11 February 2019)

Why dont people admit a girl who is hot and into deviant sex has more status then most men?
(11 February 2019)

What would you do if this was your kid?
(11 February 2019)

So what would you do if this was your kid?
(11 February 2019)

Ok for one if this was my daughter then I would have taken all of her birthday presents back to the store.
(11 February 2019)

There was this scene in the second Adams family movie where Debbie was doing a slide show and she stated that on her tenth birthday she got pissed because her parents had gotten her a Malibu barbie doll instead of a ballerina barbie.
(11 February 2019)

Why do couples divorce? What is the point of marriage is there is divorce?
(11 February 2019)

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