Tuesday, 26 March 2019

Do Forums Work?

So I’m curious if the use of forums work to increase viewers. I have never used them as they seem so generalized so I’m curious If they work to broaden views or if they instead minimize them?What is y_ Bridgett:IDK what it would be and I’m terrified to tell my Dr about it.(24 March 2019) Bridgett:The past [...]

She can't if she can't handle IUD.
(23 March 2019)

She said she's really nervous she hope's these next 2 years don't go by too fast.
(23 March 2019)

She's heard it's not as bad getting it out but for her it be different.
(23 March 2019)

She's never had IUD before this is the first one she's had so she doesn't know if it hurts worse getting it in or taking it out.
(23 March 2019)

She freaks out at needles she can't do IV'S.
(23 March 2019)

Her pain is so high tolerate when she gets hurt don't bother her but getting something like a IV or IUD put in she can't handle.
(23 March 2019)

She had a fit when they were putting it in she wouldn't stop screaming.
(23 March 2019)

My girlfriend has the 5 year IUD in she's gonna get it removed in a couple more years we hoped to be married by then.
(23 March 2019)

I don't understand how he could cheat so easily and be okay with it and I feel like such a horrible person for doing what I did.
(23 March 2019)

Last night I made a stupid mistake and we had sex.
(23 March 2019)

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