Thursday, 28 March 2019

Music for the Soul

Music has always affected my spirit powerfully, especially music with a booming bass. I prefer an upbeat dance song rather than a slow , moody, melancholy song. There’s a time and place for all music._ Leatrice:I was thinking of banging her later but I’m worried she might go starfish on me.(26 March 2019) Shona:Why does my boyfriend [...]

I touched her boobs on accident whilst dancing at the club?
(24 March 2019)

Boys Adam Nicholas Carson Girls Chloe Evelyn Lily What names do you like ?
(24 March 2019)

Me and my wife are having our second baby this fall we have a couple names from each gender we like.
(24 March 2019)

Why has my ex stopped talking to me altogether?
(24 March 2019)

He used to talk to me after break up but as soon as I said I was talking to another guy, he stopped.
(24 March 2019)

Why wouldnt he have asked me out yet?
(24 March 2019)

I am just curious and somewhat confused as to why he has not decided to take it a step further, especially since we have been talking for a month.
(24 March 2019)

I know I could ask him myself I just want him to initiate it because I am too anxious to ask and I really don't mind the casual texting.
(24 March 2019)

We have kept our conversations very friendly and platonic, which I do not mind, but I am just confused as to where this is going and I do not really understand what he is looking for.
(24 March 2019)

To me, it feels like more of a friendship, however, I am confused because he has not been flirtatious with me at all and hasnt hinted that he wants to meet with me in person.
(24 March 2019)

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