Friday 15 March 2019

What’s Your Sexual Order Regarding Foreplay & Sex???

[image]_ Olive:Most are afraid to engage in consensual sex without being accused of raped.(11 March 2019) Olive:Men are too afraid to say anything to women these days without being labeled a creep or sexual harasser.(11 March 2019) Emilie:How do I abort my child with a coat hanger?(11 March 2019) Melania:How much better is this?(11 March 2019) Rudy:What do I do [...]

Because I Feel That If Shes Going To Play A Game Then She Needs To Play It Fair.
(12 March 2019)

So I Told Her About Herself Earlier This Morning.
(12 March 2019)

Then The Other Girls Play Messenger For Her Whenever She Has A Problem With Me.
(12 March 2019)

I Find It Very Unfair That She Only Gets On My Case.
(12 March 2019)

But Our Foster Mom Only Gets On My Case About Things.
(12 March 2019)

So Lately Thinks Have Been Kind Of Tough.
(12 March 2019)

There Are 2 Of Them To Each Room.
(12 March 2019)

There Are 4 Other Girls That Are Living In The Home With Me.
(12 March 2019)

I Am Currently Living In A Foster Home.
(12 March 2019)

How does a Dad whose giving piggy back rides and watching princess movies with his daughters then smother then to death and bury them in oil?
(12 March 2019)

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