Monday 22 April 2019

#29 Symposium. Welcome to the Hotel Debauchery

Welcome to Hotel Debauchery As the hours passed, Pam grew weary and exhaustion was setting in fast. The last of the sun faded behind the tall trees hours ago and the headlights from the road that wer_ Meridith:Can you have sex with your cousin with a condom to prevent pregnancy?(19 April 2019) Celinda:How do my girlfriend and [...]

Would you display at home a family picture that could be controversial?
(18 April 2019)

I just don't know how visitors would take it or if they would be uncomfortable or upset.
(18 April 2019)

I think the picture is unique, beautiful and honors my ancestry, and would like to frame it at home.
(18 April 2019)

Me, my brothers and the baby are nude.
(18 April 2019)

The reason I ask is that in the picture we are all in tribal dress, which for men would be a loincloth, for women body paint, a bare chest, a short embroidered cloth skirt.
(18 April 2019)

In it are my grandma, mom, and grandfather, my father, me, my two little brothers, and an aunt and her baby.
(18 April 2019)

Recently I went through a box that had old pictures belonging to dad, and found one of my family that was taken when he was a missionary and I was about five.
(18 April 2019)

My dad lived as a missionary in central America and that is how he met my mom.
(18 April 2019)

American from my dad's side, and native American from central America on my mother's side.
(18 April 2019)

I will ask you to be respectful first of all.
(18 April 2019)

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