Wednesday 10 April 2019

A card and writing for my Grandma

I am the eldest grandchild of 8 grandchildren, one great granddaughter and another on the way! This image is a card I created for my grandma who has always been an amazing gardener, who’s flowers_ Noelle:Then he calls and says we should make it work and that he wanted me to come over.(4 April 2019) Noelle:Then all [...]

Why in fiction is it always the beautiful girl who is in love with the ugly man?
(6 April 2019)

For example, Joker and Harley Quinn, Bellatrix Lestrange and Voldemort, Belle and the Beast (her feelings are reciprocated though). Why is it never the beautiful man who's in love with an ugly girl?
(6 April 2019)

And most of the times her feelings aren't even reciprocated.
(6 April 2019)

Is it normal to have this many doubts in a realtionship?
(6 April 2019)

Are butts manipulative?
(6 April 2019)

What causes someone to be confused about their feelings for you?
(6 April 2019)

Was it wrong for me to kiss him?
(6 April 2019)

I'm worried he will develop feelings that I don't have.
(6 April 2019)

I feel incredibly guilty about it because I'm scared of leading him on and hurting him.
(6 April 2019)

We met up today and ended up kissing.
(6 April 2019)

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