Sunday, 21 April 2019

Blogging Naked..!!

Yes, Here I am blogging in the nude…do you???_ Saturnina:Btw he tipped me $2.58 and doesnt tip anyone else at my work.(17 April 2019) Saturnina:I dont know, does it sound like he is interested?(17 April 2019) Saturnina:But it just got me thinking like maybe he only sees me as a friend or someone to talk to in [...]

And I know it's probably wrong of me to be upset with her, but I feel like if there was a guy I knew that she really liked, I'd try to back off a bit and let her get closer to him and stuff, and I'm not sure if I should bring this up to her or not.
(17 April 2019)

I've asked her before if she likes him and she always denies it, and I'm pretty sure she's not lying.
(17 April 2019)

But lately, she's started talking to him a loT, like whenever we hang out she always purposefully singles him out to hang out with and chat with, and she talks to him everyday.
(17 April 2019)

And she knows I really really like him, since she was the very first person I told.
(17 April 2019)

But I've always tended to hang out and talk to him more since I'm closer to his age.
(17 April 2019)

So there's this guy a like, and my sister and I are both friends with him and we hang out w him in groups together.
(17 April 2019)

So recently Ive been feeling a little bit irritated at my younger sister.
(17 April 2019)

Do you have grown children who changed after they left home?
(17 April 2019)

Anyone else have grown children who changed when they left home?
(17 April 2019)

I know he's a grown man, but am somewhat dissapointed.
(17 April 2019)

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