Wednesday 10 April 2019

Happy HNW!!!!!

Happy half naked wendsday everybody_ Evia:Now its GTA5 for an hour and a half.(4 April 2019) Evia:I loved this and it was so good.(4 April 2019) Evia:Then they would spend 10 minutes on each activity until the list is finished.(4 April 2019) Evia:My son has been getting home therapy called ABA (Applied Behavioral Analysis) For the last 5 sessions, [...]

I forgot to mention that whenever we would go on dates, i would always be hugging or kissing her.
(7 April 2019)

She doesnt deserve that, she's a good person, and i wanna treat her with respect.
(7 April 2019)

But i don t like the idea of her dating anyone else, i still love her If im being honest, even though i am questioning myself, and find women attractive, i would never cheat on her.
(7 April 2019)

I m terribly confused about my feelings?
(7 April 2019)

I ve never seen his face but his personality is amazing.
(7 April 2019)

He is kind, makes a lot of jokes, and is a chatty person.
(7 April 2019)

However, I got comfortable and started speaking and texting to them, and after a while, I started to take a liking to one of the group members.
(7 April 2019)

I was very shy in the beginning and only spoke to the person who friended me first.
(7 April 2019)

I was playing a game, and I met this wonderful group of people online.
(7 April 2019)

Should I feel uncomfortable about this?
(7 April 2019)

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