Tuesday, 9 April 2019

My New Crush….Talk to Me Baby!!!

[image]I am in lust over this guy from Coldplay. I love his voice in his collaboration with the Chainsmokers. The song keeps playing in my head. I’m going to have to download it and dance aroun_ Nidia:Now that I think of it, I believe that I would’ve been friends with certain of my current college friends [...]

A year ago I used to be REALLY depressed and wanted to die and now I was finally becoming happy.
(5 April 2019)

I really can't deal with it anymore, I very rarely even leave the house maybe once every week or 2 but that's it, and I'm trapped.
(5 April 2019)

I can't just move out because I'm only 13. And I can't go live with my dad because he is 2000 miles away in a hotel trying to get a job.
(5 April 2019)

I have no friends to talk to either and I really want to talk to someone.
(5 April 2019)

I do online schooling so I can't use school as an escape.
(5 April 2019)

But I'm not on either of their sides and I can't stand either of them.
(5 April 2019)

I kept going from my mom to my grandma and vice versa.
(5 April 2019)

For my entire life, I've debated who's side I should be on.
(5 April 2019)

I am a very peaceful person and I don't like yelling and arguing with people, I really don't like my mom, grandparents and mt younger sister.
(5 April 2019)

My mom and grandparents live in the same complex a couple floors apart, I keep going back and forth between the 2 rooms looking for safety but no matter which of the rooms I'm in, there's still arguing and yelling.
(5 April 2019)

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