Saturday, 11 May 2019

Rutting Season aka forest fings aka mounting musky moves…

…this is why James done did pulled that move on me…its rutting season….. he pulled a mounting position…I have felt his rutting energy before… this is most ironic for it was in teasing wit_ Manda:Everything was perfect other then my unability to perform and i guess she was depressed but it didnt really show i made [...]

I got a little shocked because I wondered why he was so apprehensive about the possibility that I could post the pics because he's the one who kept telling me no one even cares about the issue anymore and people rarely discuss it.
(8 May 2019)

Is it ever okay to punch a baby?
(8 May 2019)

What To Do Now?
(8 May 2019)

He and I exchanged Instagram info.
(8 May 2019)

I just made a new friend at the grocery store.
(8 May 2019)

What do you think of my Timberland boots?
(8 May 2019)

Would you think they like my Timbs and are they nice boots?
(8 May 2019)

Is it okay to disclose your mental illness to someone that you want a romantic relationship with?
(8 May 2019)

Do you think it is a good idea to disclose how my anxiety makes me react to things so that he doesn't misinterpret my behavior?
(8 May 2019)

Also, I just switched my medication and it has had a big impact on me.
(8 May 2019)

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