Monday 20 May 2019

When you actually weld with those 14 inch rods

That are probaBLY THINNER THAN YOUR PINKY FINGER. About pencil crayon size when your where a kid or pencils in school, only twice as long to give you those weird dimensions. Listening to_ Juli:I’m not ready to do so, and I don’t want to force it either.(16 May 2019) Ethyl:Why can t I talk to guys?(16 May [...]

Graveyard shift timing?
(17 May 2019)

If I'm scheduled to work from 10 pm to 6 am on the 20th, that would mean Monday into Tuesday and not Sunday into Monday right?
(17 May 2019)

Student loan caused a death in my family?
(17 May 2019)

My dad had a 3d condom on his face- sign of senior man?
(17 May 2019)

He then proceeded to waste them all on mcdonalds.
(17 May 2019)

He sticked his long tool out to shove to the professors, local workers, women with skirts and 3d bulldogs.My brother bobby robbed the uni and got 3000 dollars.
(17 May 2019)

If the earth was flat, why can't we see Jimmy Barnes from london UK?
(17 May 2019)

Do you think September is a good name for a girl?
(17 May 2019)

Guy comments on a Facebook photos or Instagram call her beautiful and stunning will that make her think you find her sexually attractive?
(17 May 2019)

Why would a nice young couple almost 50 be putting an offer for their home they only had for 3 yrs?
(17 May 2019)

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