Tuesday, 4 June 2019

Hooking up at the $0.99 store

superlonglasting: i still want u 1:46 PM no 1:48 PM superlonglasting: lol 1:49 PM superlonglasting: y not 1:49 PM superlonglasting: [dick pic] 1:49 PM What part of ‘no’ means ’send me your dick pi_ Nanette:We’re going there in a few months stay with her and see our favorite band our kids and some of her friends [...]

It didnt hit me at first because I was focusing on the bum she's marrying but why would she make her best friend a mere usher?
(1 June 2019)

She knows I dont approve but I was going to the wedding anyway and she asked my to be an usher.
(1 June 2019)

Despite these red flags she let him talk her into a ringless engagement that lasted like 2 weeks and a marriage just 2 weeks later.
(1 June 2019)

What spoon?
(1 June 2019)

Has anyone ever heard of somebody kidnapping someone and forcing the abducted to deny their abduction to family if they become suspicious?
(1 June 2019)

To exact some sort of revenge and putting that person through extended mental torture?
(1 June 2019)

He said he can't do this anymore.
(1 June 2019)

I'm being bullied. My Grandma wont let me take kick boxing. What can I tell her?
(1 June 2019)

I'm tired of being afraid to go to class because of the jerks there. what can I tell my grandma to possible convince her?
(1 June 2019)

Even when I told the teachers they made it worse. they picked on me because I am smaller than they are and other kids laughed at me.
(1 June 2019)

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