Saturday, 6 July 2019

Another Blog

So here I am filling out the required monthly blog to get the extra 6 months at the price of 12. I would have been blogging about sex and boating if it hadn’t been for the damned flooding_ Faustina:Are white guys into asian girls who are born in America (not fobs)?(28 June 2019) Felicita:I’m in high school [...]

How can I move on from a girl I like who keeps contacting me?
(2 July 2019)

I want to still be friends but I'm starting to think should move on.
(2 July 2019)

There's a girl I like who I became friends with a few months ago that I really like but she keeps contacting.
(2 July 2019)

Is he running away from the relationship or really trying to make sense of everything?
(2 July 2019)

We have counseling again on Monday do i wait for him to reach me or i reach out.
(2 July 2019)

With a baby involved I prefer communication be much better.
(2 July 2019)

Idk if he is really prefering we not be together again, is he trying to give it all some thought, or is he just in shock at everything.
(2 July 2019)

I havs decided on no contact because it has gotten old me being truthful about my feelings.
(2 July 2019)

Only says i wont be a single mother and im not banned from the house but right now is not a good time for us spending time.
(2 July 2019)

The same day i found out im pregnant, I tell him and he barely reacts.
(2 July 2019)

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