Thursday, 4 July 2019

Thunderstorms and Last Night

Strummgfingers and I haven’t had a chance to get together this month. Brody was born and I got sick .We finally got together last night . A thunderstorm was starting and he suggested that we drive dow_ Zita:Hey girls, how much you’d rate the pic?(4 July 2019) Bridget:Poll: Are you wearing Red, White, & Blue?(4 July 2019) Bridget:I [...]

My girlfriend is very SAD and depressed?
(1 July 2019)

None of our parents are aware of our relationship.
(1 July 2019)

And all of this has made very sad as well.
(1 July 2019)

I know she is a very dreamy girl and had her life set your goals, and now she's breaking down and she feels helpless.
(1 July 2019)

She doesn't know what to think and is very uncertain of her future.
(1 July 2019)

That way has another downside which is she has to pause her studies for at least 1.5-2 years and she is really depressed about it.
(1 July 2019)

Now her dad is making unrealistic schemes to earn money and has gone crazy while her mom told her she gave up and that she's going to send to her to her grandmother's place to live with her, at least for the time being.
(1 July 2019)

Every family has to face troubles like this but in my opinion the way to over come this by having a proper communication and being truthful , at least about money.
(1 July 2019)

Her mom and dad broke up several years earlier for the sake of her and now they are facing this matter and they aren't even communicating with each other because of egos.
(1 July 2019)

My girlfriend is 17 years old living with her parents who are having serious financial problems.
(1 July 2019)

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