Thursday 15 August 2019

Bookworm porn

It makes me want to stand you in the middle of a room naked, and have hundreds of people write on you with feather quill pens. Each person would only get to write one word on exactly one square inch o_ Lilly:She actually does like to travel but only at her own conditions.(10 August 2019) Lilly:Even when [...]

The responsible guys (the poindexters) live a happy and prosperous life and become more happy as they age.
(12 August 2019)

Meanwhile, the responsible guys, the guys that these women kicked to the curb in their younger years, are becoming prosperous as they work hard in their career, as they move up the corporate latter, and as they get their promotions.
(12 August 2019)

They are no longer are attracting men who will pay their way when they pass their expiration (losing their looks). Then they become bitter as they age through their 30's, 40's, and beyond.
(12 August 2019)

Though once after they pass their expiration date, which is age 30, less men give them attention.
(12 August 2019)

Most women in their young early life date the irresponsible guys (the ski instructors, the major league baseball players, the pool boys, etc.) and kick the responsible good guys to the curb.
(12 August 2019)

Men are always hitting on them, buying them expensive gifts, and taking them out to fancy expensive restaurants.
(12 August 2019)

You have women in their teenage years and 20's that have guys always giving them attention.
(12 August 2019)

Studies have shown that women start off in their early life very happy, but end up more unhappy as they get older past the age of 30. This makes total sense.
(12 August 2019)

I am on my last straw and everyone feels it?
(12 August 2019)

I m going into 11th grade He is going into 7th. Is this okay?
(12 August 2019)

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