Saturday, 3 August 2019

Cycling to Dakeng

I went cycling up to Dakeng today. I’ve been doing that once or twice a week for almost three years now. I’m not a professional cyclist, but I enjoy the workout. It doesn’t take a long time, maybe_ Avis:He’s a pretty immature person, and he has stolen money from my parents, and is grounded pretty frequently.(3 [...]

I've caught feelings for a married man..?
(1 August 2019)

Can I sue a 10 year old for bullying?
(1 August 2019)

If I were to sue, how much can I sue for?
(1 August 2019)

A 10 year old boy from my son's school has been sending him insulting and threatening emails on Gmail.
(1 August 2019)

I am a 27 year old man & am dating a 21 year old woman. Do you have any advice for dating a younger woman?
(1 August 2019)

Any advice for dating a younger woman?
(1 August 2019)

I am already working & I have a steady job while she is still in college & still quite young in her attitude as well.
(1 August 2019)

I truly don t know if I am overreacting or if I m being over worked by my parents?
(1 August 2019)

Because of this I really dont see much of my friends or have any sort of social life or break from work, school or taking care of my family.
(1 August 2019)

Being called to get them this and that while I m doing my college work.
(1 August 2019)

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