Thursday, 19 September 2019

Car shopping

I was drafted to help a friend of a friend to shop for cars. My 54 year female teacher was getting divorced after almost thirty years of a stifling marriage. She has not got a lot of money and drives_ Lucina:I would be doing my work and he would come over and start messing with me [...]

I dont want to be blamed down the road for her loss.
(16 September 2019)

I don't feel comfortable doing due to the financial, legal, and health risk involved.
(16 September 2019)

Today I told her bluntly that I am not willing to help buy drugs.
(16 September 2019)

I have seen so many ppl on TV dying due to overdose.
(16 September 2019)

And to be honest, I am afraid she will end up addicted to the stuff.
(16 September 2019)

Second, even she does get something in the mail, there is also no way to know for sure that it is exactly what she ordered.
(16 September 2019)

She could easily be throwing her money away.
(16 September 2019)

First, there is no way to know who is legit or not.
(16 September 2019)

I try on many occasions to dissuade her from doing so, obviously for multiple reasons.
(16 September 2019)

My girlfriend lately has been bugging me to to show her how to buy drugs from the dark web.
(16 September 2019)

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