Tuesday, 10 September 2019


Stumbled across this cartoon by Jim Benton not long after the terrorist attacks in the UK earlier this year. Thought it was quite fitting.[image]_ Cordia:Also, she my wife keeps tinder on her phone because she can make sure her sister is safe.(4 September 2019) Cordia:My wife has a tinder profile (with her picture, and age, and installed [...]

I don't know if its something I said or what happened.
(8 September 2019)

I'm mad at my parents?
(8 September 2019)

I've been waiting for years and years for a phone, and now I'm just sad that it's not going to happen.
(8 September 2019)

So I tried to show my excitement but he said it was too late now and that I had missed my chance, and no matter how much I begged, he refused.
(8 September 2019)

Then he just got mad and refused to buy it for me, because I wasn't excited enough.
(8 September 2019)

I said ''yeah'', and on the inside I was excited.
(8 September 2019)

Today, my dad said he was going to buy me a new phone and when we finally found a phone brand that he liked and didn't ridicule, he asked me if I wanted the phone.
(8 September 2019)

Okay, so I'm not a person that shows excitement on the outside, but I feel it on the inside.
(8 September 2019)

What is it like to be a stay at home mom?
(8 September 2019)

Is it more work than having a real job?
(8 September 2019)

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