Friday 4 October 2019

Sexy du jour!

[Image]Sexy du jour Vous êtes très sexy en faisant quoi?[image2]Miroir miroir sur le mur…[image3]Sexy du jour_ Britt:Is 7 years a big age gap in siblings?(3 October 2019) Britt:Is a 7 year age gap in siblings any different than a 2 year age gap?(3 October 2019) Myrtle:Do you like how does it look Timmy with this body?(3 October 2019) Sherryl:I [...]

I've started taking the other brother to before school stuff since my boyfriend lives an hour away, and shes been tired and constantly stressed.
(1 October 2019)

One of them is overweight but is very adamant in wanting to do sports but she isnt taking him to get a physical and then gets passive aggressive about his weight.
(1 October 2019)

She has two other sons, and they've had hold back on their interests since shes constantly working and never has time to take them to things.
(1 October 2019)

She bought a lot of things this month like gifts that could have helped go towards rent and bills but it didn't.
(1 October 2019)

They were nearly evicted this month since she tried to do better and stop borrowing from him which was good but she has other kids to provide for.
(1 October 2019)

It used to be his entire paycheck that she would take, there's been multiple times it caused him to be depressed and suicidal over it.
(1 October 2019)

She isn't good with her money and has had to borrow from him constantly, he's only 2 years older than me so he's had to struggle along with her.
(1 October 2019)

Not even in a traditional controlling sense.
(1 October 2019)

Kind of a long story, I'm 19, I've been with my boyfriends since April of 2017, and his mom has been a constant strain on our relationship.
(1 October 2019)

Jesse or Callum?
(1 October 2019)

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