Thursday, 14 November 2019

Big Fat Thanksgiving Turkey

Well, let’s catch up. For Thanksgiving Wifey and I…1. Found out that we had lost the house we were wanting to purchase because the real estate agent involved moved so slowly and did so little t_ Shantae:My wife brought our 5 year old daughter to Walmart while I was at work and left her on the [...]

Do you think its ok to told him that he looks manly or is weird?
(11 November 2019)

We have talk about things that we find attractive to each other.
(11 November 2019)

I am dating with a guy for 1.5 month.
(11 November 2019)

Is it ok for a 14 and 16 year old to date?
(11 November 2019)

I m a woman.Why do other women attack me and men dont approach me?I have no friends.Women just dont like me.Maybe I m super cute?
(11 November 2019)

Is your vageyena hairy?
(11 November 2019)

I was a bit aggressive with my girlfriend, now she hates me... help please?
(11 November 2019)

I still think of her face and the tears and cant stop thinking straight, I feel so sorry I cannot explain it..I deserve what she said to me.
(11 November 2019)

I feel so sorry I tried everything to apologize but she wont talk to me, nor accept my apologies.
(11 November 2019)

I apologised but she started crying and said I was an animal, and went away.
(11 November 2019)

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