Thursday, 7 November 2019

One hell of a senior moment!…

An elderly Florida lady did her shopping and,upon returning to her car, found four malesin the act of leaving with her vehicle. She dropped her shopping bags and drew her handgun,proceeding to scream_ Margot:What kind of people think these things?(24 October 2019) Charline:Girl says mean things, yet still likes to come over?(24 October 2019) Ava:What does it mean [...]

One day when my best friend was at work and my GF was also at work I try out my best friend's GF's vagine.
(3 November 2019)

But my best friend always talk about how his GF have very tight vagine like clam.
(3 November 2019)

I love my GF and she is beautiful and I accept her loose vagine that hang like a sleeve.
(3 November 2019)

How to know if a gay girl is interested in you?
(3 November 2019)

I don't why i like her but I have never been with a girl before.
(3 November 2019)

I'm 13 years old and I want to get pregnant?
(3 November 2019)

I already told him that I want to have a baby with him, and he said no, and I told him that if he went on like this I left him.
(3 November 2019)

We have never had sex and each one already knows the parents of the other.
(3 November 2019)

I have a boyfriend of 16 and we have been dating for 2 years.
(3 November 2019)

How can I tell if a woman compliments my style as a sign of interest or just being friendly?
(3 November 2019)

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