Saturday 16 November 2019

Plaisir solitaire

Même seul on peut se faire plaisir_ Elmira:Does this mean he only wants sex?(7 November 2019) Elmira:Me - Not on Friday Him - Ok then Me - Anything esle to do?(7 November 2019) Elmira:Then do you have any plans to come to my place?(7 November 2019) Elmira:Him - We will be finishing dinner in 40 mins or maybe 1 [...]

He has compromised on some things with me, and even though he doesn't want a photoshoot, he agreed because I would like it.
(12 November 2019)

Do you think he's in it for the long run?
(12 November 2019)

He said to live like a married couple and that we will share expenses.
(12 November 2019)

I asked him what happens after marriage.
(12 November 2019)

He says he is ready to settle down.
(12 November 2019)

Met this guy online who would like to see if we get along well and then get married in 6 months because he needs citizenship.
(12 November 2019)

Was he being snarky?
(12 November 2019)

If I am recently in a relationship with someone, would it be ok if I ask her if why did she fell in love with me or she picked me?
(12 November 2019)

Would this also apply the same way if a woman might ask the man that she's in a recent relationship with?
(12 November 2019)

Or would she have a negative impression about that?
(12 November 2019)

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