Thursday 26 December 2019

It is Finished!

Signed the papers a few hours ago. Now it just has to go sit on a judge’s desk till it gets signed. I found out i don’t have to pay extra to go back to using my original name. Super hyped abou_ Miguelina:In 24 hours in a day, I stand up or walk around for typically [...]

But that doesnt explain their looking at me because usually people say if a guy looks at you the way i described then they are fantacizing.
(22 December 2019)

But i can admit one thing Guys might notice is when i do get to talk to someone i am submissive and nice maybe even sweet.
(22 December 2019)

I have social anxiety and mutism which makes me talk very seldom.
(22 December 2019)

I dress in loose skirts and tops and look un-modern and funny.
(22 December 2019)

My demeanor is like an autistic woman.
(22 December 2019)

I act like a nerd even though I am actually pretty dumb.
(22 December 2019)

And i act like I have aspergers.
(22 December 2019)

As a straight guy, is it normal that I check out womens butts quite often in public?
(22 December 2019)

Will I get asked out more in college than high school?
(22 December 2019)

But i'm really insecure (why i'm on here), but I just feel really lonely especially on instagram of everyone and their relationships and i feel like i'll never be good enough for someone.
(22 December 2019)

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