Friday 13 March 2020

It is Finished!

Signed the papers a few hours ago. Now it just has to go sit on a judge’s desk till it gets signed. I found out i don’t have to pay extra to go back to using my original name. Super hyped abou_ Miguelina:In 24 hours in a day, I stand up or walk around for typically [...]

So I've been subtly observing the behaviour of my friend lately, and noticed that he seems to always be watching me.
(9 March 2020)

Am I just a horrible friend? Or is she toxic?
(9 March 2020)

She doesn't know about any of this because I don't like showing people I'm upset or hurt.
(9 March 2020)

She hurt me really bad last week and I couldn't deal with the pain, it was the first time I considered cutting myself.
(9 March 2020)

She used to be nice but right now I don't like her and this friendship feels suffocating, I want to cry because I'm frustrated.
(9 March 2020)

I suffer from anxiety and depression and she's called me ugly many times in the past.
(9 March 2020)

Tearing down other girls, complaining about her ex boyfriends, cheating on her boyfriend and then playing victim.
(9 March 2020)

We never talk about fun stuff anymore, every conversation is always just her gossiping about people or speaking ill of other people.
(9 March 2020)

But as of recent, I just feel like we're not on the same page anymore...or that we've never been.
(9 March 2020)

We've been friends for 5 years and almost everyone who knows one of us, knows the other.
(9 March 2020)

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