Friday, 12 June 2020

It is Finished!

Signed the papers a few hours ago. Now it just has to go sit on a judge’s desk till it gets signed. I found out i don’t have to pay extra to go back to using my original name. Super hyped abou_ Miguelina:In 24 hours in a day, I stand up or walk around for typically [...]

She wants nothing to happen to him, but did snort coke there once, and she found out and really went off on me.
(26 May 2020)

I don't want to live there Advice please?
(26 May 2020)

My kid will never step foot in that house.
(26 May 2020)

My girlfriend said I am not moving into a meth house, and I am not being a baby sitter.
(26 May 2020)

I talked to a friend who is renting the house go him and said kick him out, have him move in to the apartment above him (loner guy who doesn't do anything) and have us move in and we can keep an eye on him.
(26 May 2020)

I want to get him out of house, he really wanted to go with us when we went out, and she said I am not being a baby sitter, and there will be rules like no drinking and if he's high I don't want to be around him.
(26 May 2020)

When he drinks he doesn't know when to stop, she was told he will drink so much he will pee himself, he now lives meth heads, and did try it, and he has smoked crack cocaine.
(26 May 2020)

She was told everything, and I just knew of the drinking issue, and now it's causing issues with my friend.
(26 May 2020)

I want to try to help my friend, but my girlfriend lives with me, and she doesn't really care for my friend much.
(26 May 2020)

Is it okay for a guy to have relation with a married woman after his divorce, is it better than with single lady? i Don't know which worse?
(26 May 2020)

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