Sunday, 5 July 2020

It is Finished!

Signed the papers a few hours ago. Now it just has to go sit on a judge’s desk till it gets signed. I found out i don’t have to pay extra to go back to using my original name. Super hyped abou_ Miguelina:In 24 hours in a day, I stand up or walk around for typically [...]

My husband and I have been married for 9 years we have 1 son together.
(1 July 2020)

What's your favourite memory?
(1 July 2020)

I'm doing an art project and was wondering if anyone could share their favourite memory and the country they're from?
(1 July 2020)

Do you want to play fortnite with me?
(1 July 2020)

Hey is this normal or creepy for someone to say to me?
(1 July 2020)

Have you ever manipulated someone or been manipulated?
(1 July 2020)

Are guys or girls more likely to be manipulative?
(1 July 2020)

What do manipulative people say through text?
(1 July 2020)

Classmate confessed, I avoid him, but feel guilty?
(1 July 2020)

I do not like him or want to date him, so turned him down politely.
(1 July 2020)

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